Eden Galaxy Chronicles Information and News about the epic historical sci-fi novel series

Desphi Norba [Simona Mangiante]

Desphi Norba in her hotel room at a moon-based casino above planet Nixx.

Desphi Norba, Earth Tours professional tour guide leads a group of elite-classers to Earth for a tour of the Holy Lands. Desphi is a current resident of the Grand Saxony kingdom of planet Nixx, which is located across the galaxy from Earth. Desphi’s character has an important secondary functions as an embedded world-building narrator. She introduces the reader to several important details about the Eden Galaxy universe.

Desphi, has never been to trial despite spending eight years of her life as a political prisoner. She is a strong woman who stands on top of the ruins of her earlier life. She also has a bittersweet history with one of the antagonists.


Desphi’s character is represented by Actress/Model/Lawyer Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos of Italy. Simona is a former legal adviser to the European Parliament. However in the United States, Simona is mostly known as the wife of George Papadopoulos, the 2016 Trump campaign adviser who was investigated by the FBI during the fake Russian collusion scandal.

A real-life-to-fiction parallel happens in Eden Galaxy Chronicles: Plural Worlds when Desphi is taken away for questioning to determine if she is a spy.

Simona may be from Italy, but she’s a naturalized U.S. citizen and a true American patriot. She also owns the Agape by Simona clothing brand. Ready to shop? https://agapebysimona.com

You can follow Simona on social media:

Instagram: https://instagram.com/simona_mangiante_

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Pollon.olimpo33

Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonamagiante


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