Eden Galaxy Chronicles Information and News about the epic historical sci-fi novel series

Does EGC Follow the Ancient Astronauts Theory?

Eden Galaxy Chronicles is based upon human-alien involvement with Earthlings and has nothing to do with conspiracy theories involving “the Greys”, “reptilians”, or their dark child-sacrificing “federation”.

EGC is not rooted in any particular human-alien ancient astronauts conspiracy theory that has already been established by pop culture. However, there are some similarities.

Cody G. Carson’s version of “aliens living among us” began as a muse during his teenage years in the early 1980s when he saw an aerial phenomenon that he could not explain despite his in depth understanding of aeronautics. Cody is an aviation and spaceflight enthusiast who had piloted a small aircraft (with close supervision) at age 12. As a teenager, he drew up plans for flying model planes and rockets from scratch, built them, and flew them. His room wall posters included cutaways of the Saturn V launch vehicle and that of the Apollo moon lander. He followed the development of the Space Shuttle and wanted to become an astronaut. As a high school student, he read college textbooks as a hobby. He also studied astronomy, cosmology, biology, zoology, psychology, sociology, and geology as an extracurricular hobby. However, even with his grasp of the sciences, he could not explain how a shiny object high in the distant evening sky could accelerate at such a blistering rate without leaving a vapor trail. He began to wonder what it would mean for planet Earth if both the bible were true and we were not alone in the universe.

Cody’s pondering of the aerial phenomenon led him on two paths; one was to figure out a possible thrustless propulsion system that could generate that much force. The other was a preoccupation with reconciling the Holy Bible with adavanced alien life.

The first path led to him winning his 12th grade high school science fair with a non-working model of a gravitational propulsion engine.

The second path led to a list of possible conclusions about why aliens might be interested in a primative Earth, and why they might be so elusive. Those conclusions formed the basis of the Eden Galaxy Chronicles universe.

Cody is not a member of the UFO community. He does not make any claims that aliens exist in real life nor does he deny the possibility of their existence. Cody said, “without conclusive evidence, it takes a measure of faith to either believe that aliens exist or that they do not. To me it’s just another possibility to consider and remain scientifically open-minded about. However, aliens are an interesting subject matter for science fiction. They can exist in my imagination and I can tell their imaginary stories.”

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