Eden Galaxy Chronicles Information and News about the epic historical sci-fi novel series

Old Earth Creation vs. Young Earth Creation

The EGC series is written from an intelligent design perspective that coincides with geological and cosmological observations. That means Eden Galaxy Chronicles is based upon an Old Earth Creation (OEC) perspective.

However, the author recognizes the merritts of both Young Earth Creation and Old Earth Creation; he does not disrespect either interpretation.

The OEC interpretation is compatible with the timeline of the Eden Galaxy Chronicles universe, the scientific observations of today, and OEC is a pro-scientific alternative to the philosophy of secular evolution. OEC also aligns with the majority of science professionals and potential readers.

Young Earth Creationists can enjoy Eden Galaxy Chronicles for what it is…. science FICTION….. Those who hold YEC views and are also sci-fi fans already allow themselves to enjoy liberal science fiction written from the psuedo-scientific perspective of secular evolution. Let’s meet halfway and agree to disagree with the age of the Earth.

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